Advertising or Networking - Which One To Choose During The Credit Crunch

Released on: May 13, 2008, 12:37 am

Press Release Author: Colin Stroud

Industry: Advertising

Press Release Summary: As we start to see a sharp slowdown in consumer spending and
analysts predict a further slowdown as the year continues the big question seems to
be, how do we stay alive in the world of business?

Press Release Body: Should businesses spend their time and money joining and
attending networking events and using networking sites or investing in the right
type of advertising?

An Essex based business believe that they have the solution.

Million Impossible Plc launched November last year to create a collection of
websites to assist businesses;; a networking and 'business
help' site,; an advertising directory site,; a discount network to allow businesses to save on
purchasing costs and; a website that provides a telephone
numbering services for businesses and individuals.

Many businesses have benefitted from networks and networking however, strict time
pressures of attempting to run a successful business make 'finding the time' for
networking difficult. allows business people to network in
their own time rather than attempting to fit in with the network's schedule as the
site is obviously available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year
allowing entrepreneurs to network on a UK Wide basis with their chosen business
types. Businesses can choose their own business type or region of the UK to create
their own network through Million Impossible.

The idea is that by combining the knowledge and advice of already successful
entrepreneurs, we are all able to see the mistakes others have made and are able
learn from each other. Million Impossible therefore ultimately gives the businesses
and entrepreneurs of tomorrow a greater chance of success today. By uniting
together, businesses can create an alliance of knowledge and ultimate success!

The site also offers; business help in the form of document downloads, free
services, access to funding and free PR opportunities. also gives businesses promotional opportunities through
their MI Tube Section. Businesses are able to promote their business through a
promotional video feature to appear on the site. is an on line directory service for businesses to promote
their services without the cost that is usually attached to advertising. Million
Impossible launched the site in November to support businesses. Business Sourcer
offers 12 months free advertising to any UK businesses.

Million Impossible offers a mixture of services to ensure that they can meet every
Without 'spending a penny' a business can register for free with which allows businesses to have a profile on line for
other members to view and the ability to post within the forums and have an advert
with within their chosen category and county - with a full
company logo, 150 words and full contact details and link to their website.

Heidi Weir - Operations Director said 'At a time when the economy is unstable and in
such a fragile state, businesses must be careful to ensure that they continue to
promote their business in order to survive but also must be cautious with
expenditure. When times are hard it's important to stick together and that's what
Million Impossible is all about. Strength in numbers! We all have our days where we
feel invincible and our days when everything seems hopeless, by sharing these times,
we can impact, influence and encourage each other and through doing so, we can see
it through to the other side'.

All press enquiries can be emailed to

Tel: +44 (0) 845 468 5000 Fax: +44 (0) 845 468 5001

Million Impossible own and operate the following websites

Web Site:

Contact Details: Million Impossible Plc,
The Essex Technology & Innovation Centre,
The Gables,

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